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Home - Façade Consulting

Façade Consulting

Quality Company

Rudolf Ambruch Fassadenpflege GmbH assisted in developing the quality criteria for metal façade cleaning in Germany. We are a founder member of the Gütegemeinschaft Reinigung von Fassaden und Metallfassadensanierung e.V. (Quality Association for Façade Cleaning and Metal Façade Renovation).



Façade Specialists

Façade cleaning is offered by many companies but we are façade specialists. Ambruch is one of the leading specialist companies for cleaning metal façades. Our core competence is cleaning with the seal of quality as well as the maintenance, care and restoration of metal façade surfaces.




Based on more than 50 years of experience, the Ambruch team has continuously developed its know-how in cleaning metal façades. We are always at the state of the art and we find a solution to every requirement – to maintain the value of your façades.



Façade Consulting

Each metal façade is a one-off unit and we assess the condition, maintenance intervals and cleaning on an individual basis. Our aim is to develop economic and long-term solutions to retain the value of your façades. We also advise you on the building of metal façades.
